Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Today Show

Many of you ask about Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS), the charity organization I am involved in. I am the coordinator for the Detroit Area. Well, it seems that the Today Show is featuring a segment on a NILMDTS session in Minnesota. Here is the e-mail I got from the NILMDTS staff:
Tomorrow (Wednesday Morning) in the 8:30am Half-Hour
Dear NILMDTS Photographers, Families & Friends,
Provided all goes as planned, tomorrow morning the Today Show (NBC) will profile an NILMDTS photographer and family out of the Minnesota in the 8:30am half hour.
Today Show Reporter Kerry Sanders phoned me this afternoon to say he's been told to get on a plane and head to New York City to "front" the story he and Producer Vicky Collins put together out of the Twin Cities. As of this writing, he's currently sitting in a terminal in Miami awaiting boarding for his NYC flight.
The Today show invested a lot in this story - they went to Minnesota multiple (3-4) times for various aspects of the show, even shooting it in a "film" look. By hiring a Producer, a local Photographer and Sound/Audio person as well as all of the follow up editing trips, by my educated (former life in TV news) guess, they spent thousands of dollars on this story and as you'll hear Kerry say, it's one of the most powerful he's ever done.
As you receive this note late Tuesday in your inbox, I've confirmed with Kerry that all is a "go" and unless there is breaking news or a big political story tomorrow (for instance if someone drops out of the Presidential race), the story is scheduled for the 8:30am half hour.
There's always a chance it could still get bumped and rescheduled despite the fact they're flying Kerry to NYC specifically for the story, but at this point, it looks like it will air Wednesday morning. I'm of course gambling with the fact I may have to re-send this if I learn later that it's been delayed, but I figured it was better to get this to everyone during business hours as possible while you're on e-mail so you have a fair heads up.
I'll update if I learn of any changes in advance.
I'll definitely post the link if it airs and they provide a webcast of it.
Have a good night everyone!